A hemorrhagic stroke is typically the most deadly and debilitating form of stroke, occurring in nearly two million people every year. Historically, it’s been treated by allowing the brain to bleed until hemorrhaging has subsided, leaving few recovery options for patients. About half of the individuals who suffer a hemorrhagic stroke die within 30 days.
But that could be changing—all thanks to a leading-edge stroke treatment that’s giving patients new hope.
After several years of the ENRICH (Early MiNimally-invasive Removal of ICH) trial, neurosurgeons were able to show positive results with improved outcomes for hemorrhagic stroke patients, and the results were shared at the 2023 American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) annual meeting. The results were presented by representatives from Emory University and the NICO Corporation. Four current Goodman Campbell physicians, led by Dr. Charles G. Kulwin, participated in the trial. It involved 300 stroke patients at 37 treatment centers across the United States.
During the trial, the BrainPath device—a tool used to help surgeons get to the site of bleeding—carefully moved through the delicate folds and fibers of the brain. The BrainPath gently shifts the tissue to create a path to the site of the bleeding. Once there, the Myriad device, an automated suction and resection tool, can remove clotting.
These results were part of a stroke treatment trial in which surgeons hoped to improve the standard of care for hemorrhagic strokes beyond just waiting out the bleed.
“Goodman Campbell was one of the earliest sites and one of the largest contributors to the study,” said Dr. Kulwin. “Our hope is that this will finally take a difficult problem … and provide solid evidence that there is a correct way to manage it surgically.”
“Only a quarter of survivors get back to independence in the months following the stroke. A safe and effective way of operating on a hemorrhage by minimally invasive means has the potential to change the way we give care and save lives.”
We are proud to be part of this historical moment in stroke treatment, and we look forward to using this method to help save and improve the lives of our patients. We also look forward to continuing to find new, innovative ways to advance the field of neurosurgery. You can read more about the clinical trial here.