September 16, 2019
When Cole West first presented the symptoms of an aneurysm, it was already an unusual case—statistically, a brain aneurysm is extremely rare in someone so young. It is also often deadly. But for Cole, his diagnosis was only the beginning of a long and complex process of treatment and recovery.
Fortunately, Cole’s case is also an example of the importance of the coordinated care provided by Goodman Campbell. Because our practice is filled with clinical subspecialists who are experts in all aspects of the brain and spine, we are able to treat patients like Cole with the right medical expertise every step of the way.
It’s an approach unique to Goodman Campbell, and it’s what makes us the leader in neurosurgical care. With the team of subspecialists we’ve assembled, we’re poised to have the right doctor in the right place at exactly the right time, resulting in better outcomes for our patients.
Watch the video below to learn more about Cole’s story.